Arts, Humanities and Social Science

War and Armed Conflict in Yemen: Causes and Coping Strategies
Dr. Mohammed Ahmed Qasem Shaddad, Prof. Dr. Ahmad Hidayat Buang

The present study identifies the causes of wars and armed conflicts in Yemen together with their accompanying coping strategies. In-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven researchers and academicians, specialised in humanitarian and security sciences to further understand the underlying causes of the phenomenon and gain deeper insights on coping mechanisms. The study revealed that the economic causes of wars in Yemen, comprising poverty, lack of equitable distribution of wealth among community groups and individuals, as well as man’s improper exploitation by man are among the top central causes of wars. It also indicated that the political causes of wars in Yemen centre on the power struggle due to the State’s structural vulnerability and tribal dominance over it either through direct or indirect channels. Further, it is proved that the social causes of wars are made up of poverty, homelessness, illiteracy, school dropouts, instability, and insecurity. Meanwhile, the cohesion of the Yemeni society is still playing a vital role in mitigating the consequences. The legal causes of wars in Yemen can be summarised in the weakness of judicial bodies, negligence of the constitution and its subsidiary laws, as well as hindering their implementation by the tribal component. It becomes evident that the multiplicity of sects has never been among the causes of war in Yemen until the ethnic, denominational and sectarian groups started utilising sectarianism as a cover to attain political objectives to secure power.

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